What You Need to Know Before Getting Your Child Invisalign


If your orthodontist recommends braces to straighten your child’s teeth, then you may have a lot of questions. Getting braces for the first time can seem daunting for some, but knowing what to expect will help relieve some tension (even if there will be a little more tension between your teeth).

Luckily, Invisalign has made it easier than ever to achieve the best in oral health care. From children to adults, just about anyone can benefit from the clear retainers of Invisalign. Here are a few things you should know before investing in Invisalign at your childrens dentist:

What Is Invisalign?

For formality’s sake, Invisalign is a form of dental treatment prescribed by childrens dentists and orthodontists as an alternative to braces. Patients who need Invisalign typically need them to treat misaligned teeth and other dental complications, including overbite, underbite, gapped teeth, and overcrowding. While metal braces are the most common types of braces among children, Invisalign braces can be used by anyone at any age to achieve straight teeth and a better bite. These plastic retainers don’t hurt like normal braces and they’re easy enough for just about anyone to use.

If your child needs Invisalign, here are a couple of things you might want to know before investing in the retainers.

1. There Are No Age Restrictions with Invisalign

Though Invisalign retainers are mostly associated with teenagers, people can get an Invisalign prescription from their dentist at any age. They are common among children between the age of 10 to 14 because their mouths are still growing; this makes it an opportune time to correct their teeth before they grow into adults. Many adults, however, still use Invisalign for crooked teeth or when they’re diagnosed with misaligned bites.

For braces to function effectively, you’ll need strong, robust, and flexible gums. Most children and teenagers are the perfect candidates for braces and Invisalign because they have healthy gums.

2. Invisalign Retainers Don’t Hurt — But They Can Be Uncomfortable

Most people generally fear Invisalign because they fear the discomfort associated with teeth correction procedures. Fortunately, Invisalign only causes mild discomfort when they’re placed on your teeth or when you’re given a new tray every few weeks. A few days after you first put in your tray, you may feel a dull pain in your jaw that you can relieve with some ice or OTC pain killers. Luckily, this discomfort usually doesn’t deter children and teens from continuing care.

3. Invisalign Takes Time

Just like all good things, Invisalign takes time to straighten your teeth. But unlike most orthodontic treatments which take between 18 months to two years to get the expected results, Invisalign retainers only take about a year to fulfill your treatment. Getting your teeth and jaw aligned is a gradual process that requires patience to see any significant change. Luckily, Invisalign retainers are transparent; this means that few people will realize you’re wearing the trays in the first place. Your child can even wear these braces alternatives into college without their peers knowing.

As a more comfortable alternative to braces, Invisalign retainers can help you feel less self-conscious throughout your treatment. This is key for teens who are already navigating the ups and downs of puberty.

4. You Can’t Eat With Your Retainer

Your gums will feel tender during the first few days after getting Invisalign, but you’ll still be able to eat your favorite foods throughout the day. Your orthodontist may advise you to stick to soft or easy-to-chew food like noodles for a week or so after getting your retainers to make it easier on your teeth and gums. As the discomfort gradually subsides, you can eat more solid foods and return back to your regular diet.

Keep in mind that you can never eat with your Invisalign retainers in. Your orthodontist will give you the okay to drink clear liquids, but any hard food or sugary beverages should be consumed when you take out your retainers. Otherwise, you might damage your retainers or experience increased levels of tooth decay should these particles get trapped. Simply take your retainers out, eat your favorite foods, brush your teeth, and pop them back in — it’s that simple.

Contact Your Orthodontist Today

At the end of the day, investing in Invisalign is a healthy decision that can boost your self-confidence in a number of ways. For children who don’t want to deal with the discomfort of braces, it’s definitely worth talking to a childrens dentist when your child has all of their adult teeth. When you’re ready to get Invisalign for your child, contact Railroad Dental Associates.