Veneers 101: What Are They And What Are Their Benefits?


Veneers are becoming an increasingly common cosmetic dental procedure designed to improve the quality of life for patients across the globe. Veneers, often called porcelain veneers or dental laminates, are a great way to improve the strength and appearance of teeth that have been damaged by disease or injury.

Here are some of the basic facts regarding veneers and how they can help you today.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are a type of thin material designed to mimic the appearance and texture of your natural tooth. They’re custom-made shells that bond onto the top layer of your teeth in order to improve the appearance of your smile, correct any injuries, and support your teeth. This bonding is a permanent cosmetic dental procedure. Veneers are commonly used by older individuals who suffer from the ill effects of gum disease and other infections that have damaged the appearance of their smile over time. After all, nearly 48% of adults over 30 have some form of periodontal disease.

What types of veneers are available?

Veneers are typically made from porcelain or a type of resin composite. As porcelain is more resistant to stains than resin, they are more expensive.

When should I get dental veneers?

Getting dental veneers is a common procedure performed by cosmetic dentists throughout the country. Most people who opt for the procedure typically suffer from one or more of the following issues:

  • Yellow or otherwise discolored teeth
  • Short teeth that the patient wishes were longer
  • Worn-down teeth
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Teeth gaps
  • Enamel damage

For more information on whether or not you should get veneers or dental implants, consult with your local dentist.

What is the procedure?

The entire veneer process is usually completed in three visits to your cosmetic dentist. You will first go for a consultation, then twice for applications. You may also have X-rays taken or other oral impressions made to get a more accurate veneer.

Then, the dentist will remove the outer layer of enamel from your tooth’s surface in order to get an impression of your teeth and begin the bonding process. Once the veneer is applied, your dentist will trim the veneer for the perfect fit.

Are you interested in the benefits of cosmetic dentistry? Rely on the professionalism and experience of Railroad Dental Associates to improve the appearance of your smile today.